About the Endowment (Waqf)

Endowment Vision

Empowered Islamic Umma in North America through excellence in Education

Endowment Mission

Aligning resources so each Muslim child in North America has access to excellent education in an Islamic environment and blossom to become a force for positive societal change.

Importance of an Endowment

With the grace of Allah, ISF schools have accomplished much progress over the last few decades. However, much work remains, and the road ahead is still long and demanding. Given the current challenging political climate facing our community, we are called upon to do more and take our schools to the next level of growth. The new mission must be to inspire the next generation of Muslims to become influential journalists, political leaders, captains of industry and heads of commerce. Future generations of Muslims must be prepared to better understand and navigate the power dynamics of the modern world and can fully engage in the political process, in order to impact the national dialogue, and influence public opinion, for the betterment of the Muslim community, to raise our profile, assert our rights, and affirm our moral code of social justice, fairness, and equity on the national stage, without compromising our beliefs.

Our vision is to make Islamic education accessible across the DFW metroplex and beyond by establishing more schools like Brighter Horizons Academy, ensuring that future generations of our children and grandchildren have access, reap the benefits, and contribute to the community, regardless of financial circumstances. We believe in a brighter future, where BHA’s mission is not limited by financial constraints. Islamic schools have often faced the challenge of staying financially secure while remaining accessible to all, and have relied on donations and annual fundraising, which is stressful and distracting. Our vision transcends these limitations. The ISF Endowment will provide a dependable and stable financial model, freeing us from the worries of fluctuating donations, allowing our schools to focus on what truly matters – our students and their development.

Objectives of the Endowment:

  • Establish an Islamic Waqf where Muslims can give Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) to benefit the Islamic community for generations.
  • Raise and invest donations in accordance with Shariah principles, ensuring long-term stability and growth for our schools.
  • Aim to reach $20-30 million in endowment funds over the next 10 years.

Legal and Governance:

  • The ISF Endowment operates as an independent 501(c)(3) entity with a dedicated Board of Directors, with ISF as the exclusive member.
  • The Endowment Board consists of five members, elected by ISF as outlined in the ISF Constitution.
  • Governance and procedures are defined by the Endowment Bylaws.

Investment and Application Guidelines of Waqf:
All investments are made in accordance with the Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) standards. Proceeds from Waqf investments will be used to:

  • Expand Islamic education initiatives using the BHA model.
  • Improve the quality of Islamic education.
  • Build more schools similar to BHA to serve a larger Muslim population.
  • Provide financial aid to Muslim students in need. 

Our Schools | Our Students